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Friday, October 17, 2008

How to Make a Less Expensive Pair of Diamond Earrings

Now pretty well everyone loves diamond earrings but what person would really want to pay top jewelry store price to have them. This article will explain how to make a less expensive pair of diamond earrings for the same sparkle. This how-to article can be applied to any size of diamond, as long as the diamonds will fit the settings. You will only need two tools.

They are:
A pair of pliers
Electrical tape

The first thing that will have to be done is finding a set of settings. It is always better to find the setting first. This is because it is easier to find the diamonds to fit the setting, instead of getting the diamonds first then trying to find the setting to match the diamonds. One of the best places to find settings is on Ebay. I have found that Ebay is one of the least expensive places to find both settings and diamonds.

The kind of setting that you will need are the ones that can be seen in the picture and the link at the bottom of the article (which will take you directly to Ebay). One thing that you will want to make sure of is that they have claws on each side. If the settings do not have claws then you will not be able to set the diamonds in the settings.

The next things that you will want to look for are some diamonds on Ebay. Make sure that the diamonds that you get are the diamonds that you like because either you or your loved one/special some one will be wearing them.

After you have the diamonds and the settings you will need to take the electrical tape and put some on the tips of the pliers so that you do not do any damage to the setting claws such as scratches). Then you will need to put the diamonds in the setting and slowly push the claws down on top of the diamonds. Make sure that you do not go all the way down on the first pass around the diamond clamping the claws. This is because you will want to make sure that the diamond is sitting level all the way around in the setting. When the diamond is sitting level you can finish tightening the claws around the stone.

Once you have tightened the claws you will need to clean the earrings. An easy way of cleaning the earrings is to just put them in some warm water with some dish soap. After soaking for about five to ten minutes give them a quick brush with a soft fingernail brush. Then air-dry them on a tea towel or piece of paper towel. Once they are dry they are ready to be put in your ear(s), or to give away.

For these earrings you do not have to use just diamonds you could use any other gem stone as long as they fit into the settings. I believe diamonds would be the best choice because they hold their equity better than most other gems.

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